Thursday, May 17, 2012

"It's like Woodstock on Jesus" | by Sally Perry

When people ask me what religion I am, I like to respond Christ follower. When people ask me what denomination I grew up in, I like to tell them I'm a mutt. Because, I accepted Jesus into my heart in a Baptist church. I attended a Brethren church for years with my family. I frequented a Catholic church with a close friend growing up. I attended a Church of Christ for a season. AND I worked and attended a Presbyterian church for years.

During this time, I have gotten to experience a lot of different types of services and what has always fascinated me even more was the different expressions of worship. The first time I experienced what I like to call “extravagant worship” was in my twenties. My husband and I had just decided it was time for us to move away from the church we were attending, so we started the task of church shopping.

This landed us in a very spirited church. I had been exposed to this kind of worship through family members in the past, my husband however had no clue what was about to hit him. He grew up in a church where worship was singing hymns. Thats all folks. Worship was somber and respectful.

So here we were one morning, in a church that in my words, “let the good times roll” which included people rolling down the aisles if the Spirit led them that way. At first I could sense my husband's uneasiness and was a bit worried of how he would react. I figured he would just up and leave or give me his analysis when we had safely reached the car and flew out of the parking lot from the “crazies”.

All that worry was quickly sidelined by a man in the front of the sanctuary who had broke out into an all out Indian type dance. He was jumping up and down and waving a fake sword and making noises I had only heard on National Geographic shows about people from tribes from other cultures. My first instinct was to sit there staring with my mouth half open. Then I started to giggle a bit. With that a lady began dancing down the aisles like she had some sort of invisible partner. People were groaning and laughing and waving flags and wailing on the floor and passing out.

When we got into the car, my husband basically called them all crazy. BUT guess what? We went back next week, and again and again. This was years ago. We now call Open Door our church home. And I have to say I enjoy the different acts of worship that happen there. When asked recently how I would describe Open Door, I said, “It's like Woodstock on Jesus” I myself am not (yet) and extravagant worshiper (at least in public) but I totally love the freedom we have to party every Sunday with Jesus.

Worship is so powerful. It truly ushers in the Holy Spirit and opens the floodgates of Heaven. When you worship freely and totally uninhibited it releases Heaven to work on your behalf. My husband and I have been persecuted by people for attending such a “crazy” place. One day while being asked about why we need to “act like that” it came to me. People with pass out, fall over crying, scream and push and shove to get close to there favorite singer or performer at a concert. For a simple human that has a gift to play an instrument or sing a great song. How much more are we willing to show for our Savior. The man that took all our junk and gave us reward.

I spend a lot of time watching people worship. I like to observe. Not because I am watching to see what people do or do not do. I love the atmosphere of God's people loving on Him. Going out of their comfort zone to say, I love you Jesus. I find it beautiful. I am happy to be part of a church that doesn't limit its people in their worship. Who knows someday you just may see me waving some flags or dancing with an invisible partner up and down the aisle at Open Door. Just thankful to know all praises to our King are invited and welcome.  
Sally Perry keeps many readers laughing on her blog, The Chubby Runner.  She has been attending Open Door since 2007.  She is mommy to two beautiful girls, and is married to the best mechanic in Michiana!

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